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07 3285 1131


WH 7/59 Beattie St
Kallangur QLD 4503

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Myshee,  Yummy, Yummy, Yummy!

Myshee Gourmet Food is based in Kallangur in the state of Queensland in Australia.

At Myshee we select the latest crop of the finest raw materials, which we then use to delicately create the most unique and tasty flavours in the market today. 

Our production team was originally led by an award winning production manager, who represented the national culinary team of Emirates and won 3 gold medals from the chefs Olympic game in Dublin Ireland and was invited by the Youth Olympic Games Committee in 2014 as an Advisor in Dining.

Now our production is lead by a team that believes in starting your day the healthiest, yummiest way possible for kids and adults alike, by blending Australian ingriedients that make you feel light and fresh well into your day. 

Food scientists ensure all our products are consistently meeting high standards of nutrition and quality for everyone to enjoy ! 

It all started with a local school program

To encourage the young generation to eat healthy breakfasts, and enjoy the fun of having real food regularly.

The programme was carried out by Myshee with enthusiastic local schools in Hills area Sydney ( West Pennant Hills). Myshee provided all the individual organically derived ingredients, getting students involved in mixing and matching themselves to create their own personal breakfast containing a variety of healthy and fresh gradients. 

After the programme, parents searched shelves in the supermarkets and healthy food outlets, but they could not find any product like those enjoyed with the trial program: real oats and all 17 goodies in one bag. As busy as today’s parents are, it is impossible for them to source and cook all the ingredients at home. It is both time consuming and quite costly.

The reaction from everyone who tried the product was overwhelming. They loved both product and the brand, which gave us the confidence we needed to keep going.

As the business grew, we at Myshee started working with Australian farmers to get the best supplies we could find and refine the manufacturing process. Momentum was growing in the acquisition of ingredients and production. Thanks to all our team’s hard work and loyal support, on the 1st September 2016, Myshee launched the Myshee Deluxe Granola commercially.

Over the past year, more and more satisfied customers gave Myshee tremendous support to go forward, and Myshee will guarantee in providing excellent customer service and products made with the best naturally grown ingredients available, and will deliver a product that excels in every way. We have learnt to keep it simple, trust our insights and value who we are. Most importantly we aim to have some fun, and do some good in assisting healthy active lives.

Our Vision Our Awards Our Certificate